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New Teacher Resources for ERLI

Administering Diagnostics

After you give your diagnostics during the first few days of class (it doesn't need to be on day one), it's possible that a new student might score high enough to move up a level. In order for such a student to move up, they will need to get an 80% or higher on the diagnostic. Returning students cannot move up a level, but you can explain to them that the diagnostic will help you to know where their abilities are so you can better help them improve their skills. Even with this argument, sometimes returning students choose to skip the diagnostic if they know when it's coming. I recommend not telling students in advance which day you're planning to give the diagnostic. If they ask when it will be, I usually tell them to come to class and they'll find out. These same students also often ask if the diagnostic will count towards their grade. Scores on diagnostics are not figured into their final grades, but you don't need to tell them this at this time. I usually respond by telling them that I haven't decided how I will use the score yet, and that they should take it just to be safe.

After you grade the diagnostics, you can show the exams to the students, but do not let them keep them or take pictures. This ensures that we can use the diagnostic again at some point in the future. Since the diagnostics are at the end of the current level in difficulty, it is quite normal for students to do poorly on the diagnostic. When I show the graded exams to the students, I let them know that the scores will not affect their final grades for the class.


page last modified: November 5, 2018

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