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Teaching Vowel Sounds: Practice & Assessment

Practice One

At this point students should have somewhat of an understanding of how to pronounce the different long vowel sounds, and probably ready for some practice. This practice can be done individually or with a partner.

  1. Ask students to take out a piece of paper and number it from one to ten.
  2. Write the following words on the board, and ask each pair to identify the vowel sound they hear and write it on their paper. Pronounce each word individually pausing to give students a chance to confer with their partner after each one.
    • freight
    • drive
    • heat
    • hate
    • shoe
    • drove
    • ski
    • sky
    • threw
    • move

    *To reinforce the idea that spelling is not the important factor, I like to choose words whose spelling does not reflect the vowel sound.
  3. You can walk around the room as you pronounce each word and monitor the students' progress.
  4. Go over the results together.

*Note: When students are unsure in identifying and producing a specific vowel sound, I find it helpful to ask them to pronounce a representative word that they are sure of which contains that sound and compare it to the word they are struggling with. For this to be most effective, the representative word should be a single syllable and contain only voiceless or quiet consonants. These are consonants that don't make much noise when you pronounce them because your larynx doesn't vibrate. They include consonants like /p/, /t/, /k/, /f/, /sh/, and the /th/ as in path.

     for example:.
  • cake
  • keep
  • kite
  • coat
  • two

  • Practice Two

    1. Write each of the five long vowel sounds on the board.
    2. Ask each pair to write a word [or multiple words] containing that vowel sound after each vowel.
    3. go over the results together asking pairs to share their words and helping them correct any errors they have by asking them to compare the word to a representative word.


    Mastery of long vowels can be tested with a quiz that uses the same format as Practice One. I suggest choosing a mixture of words which are not spelled like they sound and some that are.

         for example: eight,great, high, buy, sleep, sweet, new, crew, grow, blow, toe, gate, know, be, zoo, night, try,... .

    Back to... Long vowels lesson
    Up Next... Short vowels


page last modified: October 21, 2015

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