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Douglas E. Adams

Teacher Resources for ERLI

Frequently Asked Questions: Assessment

An area that can be problematic in making a syllabus is in deciding the breakdown of the percentages. For example, a possible ERD 005 breakdown might be.....
  1. Coursework (in-class and out-of-class assignments).....................................35%
  2. Reading and Vocabulary Quizzes...................................................................55%
  3. Final Exam......................................................................................................10%

This is good in that all the points are based only on the things that students produce and not on things like attendance, effort, or that "Ahmed really improved from the beginning of the class." That said, you can tweak the percentages somewhat as long as the final grade is still primarily based on assessments that directly measure a student's skills. In the case of a reading class, this tends to be quizzes and exams. For listening/speaking it tends to be listening & note-taking assignments & quizzes as well as presentations, formal discussions, pronunciation exercises, and other forms of oral communication that can be measured with a rubric.
ELS 004:
  1. listening Coursework............................................................30%
  2. Speaking Coursework...........................................................30%
  3. Tests/Quizzes.........................................................................30%
  4. Final exam.............................................................................10%


If you would like to see examples of syllabi for each skill/class, check out the sample syllabi in the shared folder or on the new-teacher site.


page last modified: November 5, 2018

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