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Teacher Resources for ERLI

Arabic Students Not Recognizing Words When They're Written

Arabic speakers/readers are usually auditory learners. [It's a factor of how their first language is structured.] They recognize a word when they hear it, not necessarily when they see it. That's why some beginners stumble over words that they probably know while they're reading. They may know a number of the words in the passage, but just not recognize them in written form. [In fact, while they're speaking, you may hear them correctly use some of the words they stumbled over while reading.]

We need to build that connection between what words sound like and what they look like. [English's crazy spelling system doesn't help this.] You can help make these connections by reading the passage aloud to them while they follow along [Again, set your pace accordingly]. That way the student can hear the word as he or she sees it. Also, making the student aware of this problem with Arabic readers can help them too. It will help them to understand why they have trouble with reading and to not feel stupid.

Possible Practice Formats: [For class and self-study]
  • Listening/speaking textbooks often have the transcripts for their audio recordings. You can copy the transcript from a level 2 book [The National Geographic books are an option]. They can play the audio file while they read along.
  • Use close captioning on TV, Youtube, etc...


page last modified: November 8, 2018

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