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Often it's the same small group of students coming late every day. When they do this, they're basically choosing to selfishly disturb all the other students in the class, and you are well within your rights as the teacher to safeguard the learning time of all those students who come on time by not allowing this small subset to enter the room after a predetermined period of time (10 minutes). In some classrooms on campus you can lock the door. For those that do not lock, putting a sign on the doors telling them they can't enter is okay. Regardless of the method you use, just be sure to announce to the class in advance that you plan to start denying entry to late students. I often let my students know about this policy about a week before I begin to enforce it. If they complain that they have paid for the class, and have the right to come late, I let them know that the other students paid as well and late students don't have the right to disturb their class.

Students are usually pretty good about dealing with this policy and tardiness tends to decrease. However, on the very rare occasion when a student might try to test your resolve and ignore the sign, I'd suggest firmly reminding them at the door, and telling them to come back for the next class. If they protest continually, and refuse to leave, you should never waste class time arguing with a student. You can tell them that since they're already here, you won't embarrass them this time by calling campus security and having them dragged out of class. Inform them that they can choose to take a seat this time, but that if they come late again, campus security will be called and they will be removed. This basically gives them a way to back down and still save face. Most students will not want to make a scene, and I have never had to call campus security.

It's difficult at first, but sometimes a small "scene" is just what's needed to drive home the policy, reinforce your authority, and stop the tardiness.


page last modified: October 21, 2019

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